Port of Tauranga health and safety requirements
From the moment you enter the Port of Tauranga Limited, you are required to comply with the health and safety rules designed to ensure you and other port users remain safe and injury free. Non-compliance will result in your access to the Port being cancelled.
Port site induction
The Port Site Induction must be completed by everyone entering the Port. The Port Site Induction is not a training tool, and explaining the rules and carrying out a site familiarity visit is up to the company who is engaging the Port user to make sure they are competent to be on site.
Restricted access areas
If you require entry to restricted access areas at Sulphur Point or Mount Maunganui, you must complete an additional induction. Contact Port of Tauranga Reception on 07 5728899 or email [email protected] for more information, or check the Port Site Induction for a list of restricted access areas.
Port operational areas
Your Company/Manager must provide you with the required information regarding safe entry and exit of port operational areas by way of a site visit with a competent and qualified Company operator.
When you are working in a shared area with many different users and companies such as the Port, you have a duty to cooperate, co-ordinate and consult with other companies and users in the shared work area to effectively manage health and safety risk.
You must not enter another company’s work area without first talking to the relevant company representative on the Port (eg Supervisor/Foreman).
Drug & alcohol free site
Port controlled roads and operational areas are subject to a zero drug and alcohol limit. To make sure the work environment at the Port is safe and healthy, lease holders (Lessees) shall have in place and enforce a drug and alcohol policy that ensures none of its employees or contractors have illegal drugs or alcohol in their system when they use POTL controlled roads or enter any POTL controlled operational area. This includes all roads, sheds, storage areas and berths. No illegal drugs are permitted inside the port boundary.
No gang patches
Entry to the Port will not be granted to anyone wearing or displaying a gang patch or equivalent gang insignia. Gang insignia is a sign, symbol, words or emblem displayed to denote membership of, affiliation with, or support for a gang. This includes any item of clothing a gang insignia is displayed on such as a jacket, t-shirt or scarf. This does not include tattoos or clothing in gang colours. This applies to gangs as defined by regulation and the Minister of Police.
Three strikes policy
The Port takes non-compliance with port rules seriously. To manage this, the Port operates a Three Strikes Policy. The penalties for non-compliance are the accrual of strikes in increments of one, two and three strikes. Multiple strikes may be issued at the same time for serious breaches of port rules, and some cases referred to the port user’s manager and the Port Security Manager. If a port user accumulates three strikes they will be banned from entering the Port for six months.
Accidents and emergencies
All fires, emergencies, accidents, oil spills, chemical leaks, hazardous situations, vandalism or damage must be immediately reported to Port Control on 572 8888. The Port has procedures in place to notify the appropriate emergency service and to assist in providing a speedy response to any emergency. The Port will arrange for Port Security to provide an escort for emergency services to the site if needed.
Defibrillator map for Port of Tauranga and vicinity
Evacuation procedures
Make sure you know the evacuation procedure of the work place or operation you are working in or visiting. Note the evacuation assembly points nearest to where you are working or visiting. Make sure you know where to evacuate the Port via the nearest exit gate.
All contractors working at the Port must complete the Port Site Induction before entry to the worksite is permitted. Contractors must also complete any other additional inductions the organisation or company they are working for may require. It is the responsibility of every company and operation on the Port to ensure that the contractors they engage are trained, competent and qualified in their particular field of work.
Mobile cranes
Mount Maunganui
Port of Tauranga Cargo Services must be contacted on (07) 572 8746 when there is a requirement to move over-dimension cargos, overweight cargos, or for any activity that will require a crane at the Mount Maunganui wharf.
Tauranga Container Terminal (TCT) – Sulphur Point
All mobile crane drivers must stop at the TCT R&D truck entry and report to R&D staff before driving into TCT. The crane driver must tell R&D staff the work location, duration of work, and who has booked the crane. The company or operation that has booked the crane is responsible for arranging an escort for the crane driver. The escort must be a competent Port access card holder that regularly works at TCT and is familiar with the operational areas, hazards, and typical TCT working environment.
Port rules
For full details of all port rules check the Port Site Induction.
● Headlights or driving lights ON at all times
● No hazard lights while driving
● Children not permitted (aged 15 years or under)
● No hand held mobile phone use while operating any plant or driving any vehicle or machinery
● Hi-vis clothing must be worn (Day/Night Standard AS/NZS 4602)
● Protective footwear in operational areas
● Covered footwear in non-operational areas
● No riding bicycles anywhere on the Port
● No fishing from any area of the Port or wharf
If you see anything that you think we need to be aware of, or you have concerns about your health and safety while on the Port, please help us by emailing: health&[email protected].