Environmental practices
Port of Tauranga Limited (POTL) is located in the majestic natural setting of Tauranga Harbour. The harbour and local beaches are highly valued natural habitats for recreational use and have strong cultural significance. Port of Tauranga acknowledges these values and seeks to conserve the unique setting and estuarine habitat of our harbour.
As the port is surrounded by both water and close neighbours, everyone on site must ensure their activities have minimal impact on the environment by keeping work areas clean and tidy, and ensure that activities are undertaken as per agreed the agreed standard operating procedures.
The following Port of Tauranga documents outline some of the key information port users should be aware of prior to operating on the Port, this includes important information around how certain activities should be undertaken in order to meet appropriate environmental standards:
● Port’s Standard Terms and Conditions
● Port Industry Area Dust Management Plan
● Hewletts Road Dust Management Plan
● Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances Code of Practice
Anyone entering or operating within the port shall be familiar with their individual company’s Environmental Management Plan that applies to the activities they are undertaking and understand their role in avoiding pollution.
Solid and liquid waste and other contaminants on the ground can easily enter stormwater drains during rain events. Our stormwater drains are designed for stormwater only, and therefore may offer little or no water treatment before discharging stormwater to our harbour. Save the drain for the rain and only the rain.
Various activities carried out within the port have the potential to create nuisance dust. Nuisance dust can be an issue for other operators/businesses and the public both inside and outside of the port area; everybody has a right to clean air.
Dust can also be a health and safety risk so please be considerate to others and our environment. If you are undertaking work that could cause nuisance dust ensure the controls identified in your Environmental Management Plan are in place and working effectively – if not, stop operations.
If you see any practices polluting the environment or in the case of a spill, please contact our CCTV team on (07) 572 7543.
Port entry rules
Legal compliance
The Port of Tauranga Limited (POTL) has a statutory obligation to comply with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, the Port’s New Zealand Customs (NZC) Procedure Statement, the Customs & Excise Act 2018, the Maritime Security Act 2004, the Maritime Security Regulations 2004, the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015, the Resource Management Act 1991 (and all regulations enabled by the RMA), and the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Security access rules
The entire area within the POTL security fence line is a Customs Controlled Area (CCA) and the Port is required to monitor and control all persons and all goods entering and leaving the CCA.
All persons visiting the Port are required to present approved photo identification for the purpose of establishing identity.
Approved photo ID types
The following photo ID types are the only form of identification that have been approved by Maritime New Zealand and can be accepted by POTL Security:
● An ID card issued by a New Zealand port
● A driver’s licence issued by the New Zealand Transport Agency
● A valid passport
● An identification card issued by a New Zealand government department, government agency or the New Zealand Defence Force
● A military identification card
● A seafarer’s identity document issued by a contracting government or flag state administration
● An identification credential issued by a recognised company, union or trade association
● Other forms of identification approved by the Chief Executive of Maritime New Zealand
Security screening
As a condition of entry to the Port, your vehicle or any bags you are carrying may be subject to a search by POTL Security. Failure to comply with this request may result in your bags, vehicle and possibly yourself being denied entry.
Bona fide reason to enter the Port
The Port is not a public area and anyone entering must have a bona fide (genuine) reason to enter. Only those whose workplace it is, or who have been authorised to visit, may do so.
Security rules for drivers and passengers
All drivers entering the Port must have a valid POTL access card. Drivers must stop at the security gatehouse and swipe their card every time they enter and exit the Port. Drivers must carry their access card at all times while on the Port, and must present their access card to POTL Security on request.
Out of Gauge containers require 24 hours written notice to tctr&[email protected] prior to arrival.
All passengers must show POTL Security gatehouse staff photo ID from the list of ‘approved photo ID types’ every time when entering and exiting the Port. No access will be given without the approved ID.
Visitors can be given access to the Port to visit with other companies and operators located on port land (inside the CCA) by following the POTL access rules for visitors.
Any visitor that does not meet the visitor access rules will not be granted access. All visitors must show photo ID to POTL Security before entry will be permitted. The ID type must be from the list of ‘approved photo ID types’.
Access rules for visitors
Unaccompanied visitors
Unaccompanied visitors are visitors that do not have a valid POTL access card. These may be infrequent visitors, for example someone visiting from another city.
Unaccompanied visitors are not permitted to drive on the Port without an escort because they are not familiar with the Port’s operational areas and the hazards on the Port.
The company or operator that has invited the ‘unaccompanied visitor’ onto the Port must follow these rules:
● The visitor must be registered on the POTL ‘visitor register’ before they arrive at the Port Security gatehouse.
● The visitor must be informed of the photo ID requirements prior to their visit.
● The visitor must be assigned a competent escort while they are on the Port.
●The visitors escort must be a valid POTL access card holder.
Unannounced visitors
Unannounced visitors are visitors that have not been invited by a person or company on port land (inside the CCA) and are not registered on the visitor register. These visitors will not be permitted access to the Port.
Escorted visitors
If a visitor will be escorted AND supervised at all times during their visit by someone with a current Port Site Induction AND a valid POTL access card they are not required to complete the Port Site Induction. Escorted visitors must still be registered on the POTL visitor register.
If the visitor will not be escorted or supervised they must complete the induction. This can be completed on the Port of Tauranga inductions website.
Online visitor register
The POTL Visitor Register is an online electronic register. It can only be accessed through the Port’s website with a secure login and password.
Any visitors arriving at the POTL Security gatehouse that are not on the visitor register will not be granted access to the Port.
The visitor register must be completed by the company or operation that is being visited.
Registering a visitor
Port users can contact the POTL Security Supervisor by calling Reception on 07 5728 899 Monday to Friday 0830 – 1630 to obtain a permanent secure login and password to access the visitor register.
If you already have a login and password, click here to access the POTL Visitor Register.
Please ask the Port Security team for assistance if you are unsure about visitor entry.
Drone flights on Port
Permission to operate a Drone (UAV) within the port boundary must be obtained from the POTL Property and Infrastructure Manager. Requests for permission must be made Monday-Friday, between 7am and 5pm, at least 24 hours prior to flight.
Drone operators must complete the Drone (UAV) Health and Safety Plan at the back of the POTL Drone Policy and email it to [email protected]. You will receive an email if permission is granted.
Refer to the policy document for detailed operating rules. No drone activity is to occur without permission.
Other Port procedures and operating rules
● Spill Prevention & Response on Port of Tauranga Land
● Tanker Berth Emergency Response Plan
● Port and Harbour Marine Safety Code
● Diving Notification Procedure